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Từ điển Việt Anh (Vietnamese English Dictionary)
chữ nghĩa

[chữ nghĩa]
word and its meaning
Văn chương không phải chỉ là chữ nghĩa
Literature is not only a matter of words and their meanings
Chữ nghĩa trong hợp đồng không được mơ hồ
The wording of a contract must not be equivocal
Chữ nghĩa còn kém
His knowledge is still poor
Nghề chữ nghĩa khó lắm
The learned profession is very difficult

Word and its meaning
văn chương không phải chỉ là chữ nghĩa literature is not only a matter of words and their meanings
Knowledge, cultural level
chữ nghĩa còn kém his knowledge is still poor

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